Our Mission
TELL: ‘To proclaim the good news of the kingdom’
The mission of the church is to proclaim the good news of God’s love for all as revealed in Jesus Christ and witnessed to by power of the Holy Spirit. We will proclaim the love of Christ:
- Through our worship being central to the life of the church, the heart of our existence and from which all church activity will flow.
- By our worship including different styles that will enhance our praise of God and enable us to proclaim the good news in different ways. We expect this will include the best of traditional and contemporary elements in music, prayer, preaching, and drama.
- Through our worship including services that are accessible to those from a variety of backgrounds for example Messy Church and Café Church services.
- By engaging in activities of evangelism in the community to proclaim the good news.
TEACH: ‘To teach, baptise and nurture believers’
The mission of the church is to reach out to and nurture those new to faith; to support each member in their own journey, that all will be able to explore their understanding of God. We will share the love of Christ:
- By greeting new people and ensuring that our worship and the building itself are welcoming to those unfamiliar with church.
- In holding regular meetings for prayer, bible study, and house groups open for everyone within and outside the church community.
- By using relevant courses that enable faith exploration for example Emmaus, Discipleship,
- By making good use of resources including technology and library that is open to all.
TEND: ‘To respond to human need by loving service’
The mission of the church is to show a care and compassion for those who are in need within our community and within our town. We will show the love of Christ:
- By providing direct support to local people and concerns, for example through the continued provision of nursery and toddler group; groups for older people who may be isolated.
- Through reaching out to those in need locally, and providing premises which are warm and welcoming, making use of a café area and comfortable, accessible facilities.
- By ensuring that we effectively signpost people in need to professional and specialist support where this is warranted.
- In our pastoral care, prayer, and visiting of those within our congregation and membership who are in need.
- By providing social activities of fellowship and fun which will be welcoming to visitors, holiday-makers, tourists, and build friendships and unity within the church.
TRANSFORM: ‘To seek to transform unjust structures of society’
The mission of the church is to question the aspects of society which perpetuate injustice both locally and globally, and will be led by the Holy Spirit to challenge such unfairness. We will demonstrate the love of Christ:
- By supporting local organizations such as Matthew 25 Mission, The Foyer, Eastbourne Foodbank, Beachy Head Chaplaincy and Eastbourne Street Pastors in our prayer, our giving, and practical help.
- Through working with Churches Together in Eastbourne to address issues of local injustice with our partner churches.
- By supporting The Methodist Church and The United Reformed Church in relevant national and international campaigns.
- In supporting other charitable organisations in addressing wider issues of injustice in our prayer, our giving, and by raising awareness.
TREASURE: ‘To safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’
The mission of the church is to embody God’s care for his creation by caring for the environment. We will live the love of Christ:
- Through our building being designed, built, and maintained in an ecologically sensitive way in relation to materials and energy consumption.
- By our use of water and energy being ethical and sustaining, and a strong commitment to effective recycling to minimise our waste.
- In our Transport Plan promoting our members and visitors to bus, car-share, or cycle wherever and whenever possible.
- By our support of and use of Fairtrade and ethically-sourced goods and materials.
Emmanuel Mission Statement revised following the Mission Day on 6th February 2016, the Mission Group May 2016 and approved by the Emmanuel Steering Group 14th June 2016.