Worship & Despair: Finding an Extraordinary Hope

Mothering Sunday, 2022 – The bible story of Hannah and Elkanah (1 Samuel 1-2) was brought to life by our drama group. In light of this story, Rev Mona went on to remind us of the implications of persistent prayer, fervent faith and steadfast love even in the times of deep despair. We considered and gave thanks for the ‘Mother figures’ in our lives who share similar characteristics to Hannah. While, the children met in a small group to discuss what makes their mums unique, and made them a special gift.

Emmanuel Church Eastbourne worship every Sunday at 1030am. On the first Sunday of each month, we provide an ‘All-Age’ Service, while on the third Sunday of each month, youngsters have the opportunity to explore faith and make friends in a small group with other children.  All are welcome.  For more information or details of other services, please contact us or see our diary.

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