Create a peaceful space to pause, and allow yourself to feel God’s presence alongside you, as near to you as your own breath. In following the reflection below, as a church we will draw closer to God and to one another as we grow in faith and deepen our sense of belonging to God.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 ‘Pray and Give Thanks’
16 Rejoice always,
17 pray without ceasing,
18 give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
[testimonial author=”Maggie Stirmey”][dropcap style=”default”]J[/dropcap]esus showed us how to care for other people: he noticed when the woman touched his cloak and healed her. May we follow his example and notice others, especially those who are lonely and in need, showing empathy and care in Jesus’ name. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Rev. Roger McAvoy”]
[dropcap style=”default”]L[/dropcap]ord you came into our world like a light so that we should not remain in darkness. Help us to shine like beacons of hope in a world facing so much conflict and pain. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Hazel Blake”]
[dropcap style=”default”]T[/dropcap]hank you loving Lord for the many positives which have come because of having to rethink how we worship together when apart. Thank you for technology shared and learned and for devotions by many different writers offered daily throughout this challenging time. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Rev. Barrie Tabraham”]
[dropcap style=”default”]L[/dropcap]ord, for the years that have passed,
I thank you for your guidance.
Lord, for the present days,
I bless you for your constant presence.
Lord, for the future,
I trust in your unfailing love. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Derek Scott”]
[dropcap style=”default”]H[/dropcap]eavenly Father thank you for all the contributors who have been able to express their devotional love for you. May the different ways of expressing our faith always be acceptable to you. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Matthew Earl”]
[dropcap style=”default”]H[/dropcap]eavenly Father, we thank you for the care and dedication of all key and health and care workers. We pray for them and their families, that all may be supported, helping us all to appreciate them and not take them for granted. In Jesus name, Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Gillian Wood”]
[dropcap style=”default”]T[/dropcap]hank you, Lord Jesus, that whatever happens, you are with us each day, each hour, walking alongside us guiding our thoughts and words and actions. All around may change but you are our much-needed constant companion. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Rev. Ann Caffyn”]
[dropcap style=”default”]Y[/dropcap]ou have constantly been there beside us this past year, Lord, dispelling our fears, our loneliness, our frustration, our confusion. You have given us instead your love, your peace, your joy, your hope. We thank you, Lord. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Carol Jewell”]
[dropcap style=”default”]L[/dropcap]ord, thank you for the inspiration, joy, hope and encouragement that these devotions have given to so many during this past difficult year. You have been with us each step of the way. Amen.[/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Rev. Gordon Harrison”]
[dropcap style=”default”]W[/dropcap]e give thanks for the ways in which the telephone, the internet and social media has helped to keep us in touch with our friends, family and our church. Amen. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Rev. Paul Tabraham”]
[dropcap style=”default”]T[/dropcap]hank you God, for enabling us to ‘pray without ceasing’![/testimonial]
Prayers © 2021 for each writer.
A printable version of this Daily Devotional can be downloaded from here
All material within this order of worship is reproduced by permission under CCL 1226356