Create a peaceful space to pause, and allow yourself to feel God’s presence alongside you, as near to you as your own breath. In following the reflection below, as a church we will draw closer to God and to one another as we grow in faith and deepen our sense of belonging to God.
2 Timothy 2: 14-15 ‘God’s Word of Truth’
14 Remind them of this, and warn them before God that they are to avoid wrangling over words, which does no good but only ruins those who are listening. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.The English language, the most widely spoken in the world gives us scope to express how we feel and what we do. Words can be said as encouragement as well as to criticise.
I am reminded that it not always what I say but HOW I say it.
We are in the middle of the busiest advertising season on TV. There is not JUST delicious food but M&S food, and Asda is saying many gifts are under a certain price so maybe the wisemen would do well to shop with them! We can be taken in by words but, very often and sadly it seems, the true meaning of the Christmas story is lost.
However, I have heard that at Christmas one third of the population goes to church at some time over the season. Of course, this year we will have to use social media, letters, telephone and other ways more than ever to pass on the message and to celebrate. We hope that our Carol Service, Christmas Midnight or Christmas Day services may be ‘full’, assuming they go ahead on Zoom or in person. Who would have thought that we have to book to go to church!
John’s Gospel chapter 1 has wonderful language and there are recurring words about God, who came as one of us in the form of his Son Jesus Christ. Then through the Gospel John has Jesus describing himself as the Word, bread of life, light of the world, shepherd of the sheep, the vine, and the resurrection and the life. These are such positive words and remind us of the times we hear negative language from not only politicians, but also within families and the church. Mental awareness comes by words used, and we should remind ourselves of the power of them, and actions to others in our daily lives.
We do not know what seeds are sown do we? Paul wrote to his younger assistant Timothy to endure, even in the face of indifference, lack of interest, opposition, suffering or misunderstanding and it is notable that he says “whether the time is right or not” (2 Timothy 4:2). Maybe he was thinking of a seed and the hidden power of words and actions that are sown in good soil?
Call us again to yourself, O living God, through your active word,
make your mind known, a light to our path,
train us in righteousness, cherish us in your way,
that we may be released, renewed, inspired for service and aflame with your love. Amen.
Reflection & Prayer © 2020 Matthew Earl.
Image freely available online.
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