Adult Groups & Activities

At Emmanuel, we have a range of social and fellowship activities which are open to all. we are committed to sharing our faith through prayer and fellowship with one another, and within the local community.

Monday Prayers

Weekly on Mondays, 10:30 am

An informal group for reflection, intercession & fellowship, hosted on the online Zoom platform.

Rev. Paul Tabraham: 01323 730118

Fun & Fellowship

First Saturday of each month, 10am-12pm

With games, or if that’s not your scene perhaps bring along a craft you enjoy or just come for fellowship, a chat and a cuppa. We suggest a donation of £2.00. No need to book – just turn up!

Tracy & Phil Jeffries: 07941 245179

Emmanuel Guild Fellowship

Fortnightly on Tuesdays, 2:30 pm

A varied program including guest speakers and other activities. The programme is primarily social but includes occasional devotional aspects.

Brenda Gower: 01323 737813

Compass Study Group

Fortnightly on Wednesdays, 2:30 pm

If you have questions about some aspects of traditional Christian beliefs and their credibility in the 21st Century, this group may provide the opportunity to see faith from a new perspective and anyone who would like to join us will be most welcome.

Gordon Harrison: 01323 739657
Christine Reid: 01323 735520

Zooming Discipleship

Weekly on Wednesdays 7:30 pm

Our meetings are usually based on a study guide which leads to discussion and prayer on what it means to be a Christian in today’s society. The sessions are hosted on the online Zoom platform.

Rev. Paul Tabraham: 01323 730118

Music Group

Weekly on Thursdays 7:30 pm

A choir leads the singing during worship at Emmanuel, and often contributes an anthem. There is a weekly practice on Thursday evenings.  Instrumentalists usually participate in the monthly All Age Worship and occasionally at other times.

Joyce McAvoy: 01323 731468

Other Events

Emmanuel Church has various other seasonal events, taking place throughout the year, such as concerts, quizzes, talks & coffee mornings. For further information please refer to the links below or our monthly Church Magazine available from the church foyer (or by email, on request).

Diary: Upcoming Events
Facebook: FB@EmmanuelEastbourne
Rev. Paul Tabraham: 01323 730118
Messenger: EmmanuelEastbourne

Private Parties & Events

Emmanuel Church has several rooms available to hire for regular or one-off non-church activities, visit our Venue Hire and Ceremonies pages to find out more.

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